Check out this great video
Check out this great video
Check out this great video
Sometimes you get a few visitors at your house and need more parking. Our Recreation Facility is the perfect place to park your extra vehicles for a while. Remember, it's free from 6am till 11pm. After 11pm, you will need to have a parking pass for each vehicle. Don't wait until the last minute to get one. Do it as soon as you know you need it. Click here to get one.
For key fob initial setup or replacements, please submit the key fob request by filling out a request form. Click here for form. The initial first key fob is provided at no cost (for members with arranged access). Replacement key fobs requested, due to loss or stolen, cost $50.00 each time of replacement. Once the form has been completed and submitted, you will be contacted to set up an appointment for a meeting at our Recreation Facility to get your Access Key Fob.
Click here or on the Key Fob Icon to watch the video.
Come join us on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7pm in the Clubhouse for Bingo Night!
DJ Greg will have great music playing while you take a chance to win gift cards from local businesses and restaurants! Come out and meet your awesome neighbors. We will have the FREE popcorn popping, and there will be other refreshments available for purchase at our snack bar. (Please bring cash for we cannot accept debit or credit cards.)
For more information visit the Rec Board's Website:
Check out this great video
Check out this great video
Check out this great video
Our amazing team of regulars and part-time volunteers are committed to helping others. We take our convictions and turn them into action. Think you would be a good fit? Get in touch for more information!
After having been created by the developers, we continue as a nonprofit. We've consistently grown since then, all thanks to the helping hands of this amazing community.
We focus on making the maximum positive effort for our community. Our members and volunteers provide the momentum that helps us affect change.